21-25 August 2017: Summer School ‘The Future of Child and Family Welfare Policy’

29 Mar 21-25 August 2017: Summer School ‘The Future of Child and Family Welfare Policy’

This summer school strives to gain insight into child and family policy and practice and the future scenarios of child welfare in Europe. You will gain a broad understanding of the scope, causes, ethical issues, consequences and ways of intervening with children and families. The interrelationship of social values, culture, and child welfare policy will be analysed. Likewise, a central theme of the course will be the examination of child welfare from every possible angle: the perspectives of practitioners, organisations, parents, and children and young people will be included.

PhD students will be given the opportunity to present their research in workshops (contact the coordinators for more information). Participants who want to gain 5 ECTs will write an essay about one of the topics discussed in the course.

This summer school is the joint product of researchers from two European projects on child and family welfare funded by NORFACE: HESTIA and FACSK, and the European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF, and EUSARF Academy). The members represent the following institutions: University of Groningen, University of York and the Deutsches Jugendinstitut (HESTIA); and Umeå University, University of Stavanger, University of Nottingham and University of Birmingham (FACSK).


The summer school will be held in Groningen from 21-25 August. You can find out more and register here: http://www.rug.nl/education/summer-winter-schools/summer_schools_2017/future_child_welfare/   The deadline for application is 15 May 2017.